08 July, 2011

day in the life

nothing monumental has been happening for a few days: hanging around, wearing some clothes... the usual.

i have been on the manhunt for a new job recently and have been running around getting my resume out there. this is what i wore today for resume handing out & follow up phone calls... and a chinese food dinner followed by babysitting.

Silk Top: Thrifted J. Jill
Leggings: Target
Shoes: Henry Ferrera; Ebay

my shoes, my shoes!! these are probably my favorite pair of flats i own, so comfy and they add a bit of toughness to any outfit.

my hair is a complete mess because there was a crazy thunderstorm here this morning, lucky me...
i would be the one applying for hair stylist positions with hair that is a frizz ball. [i swear it was straight this morning]

tomorrow is my bacci's 80th birthday party, we rented a limo and are taking the family out to dinner. =)

hope everyone has a grand weekend !

catch ya on the flip side!

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